April 24, 2009

I Wrote, Wrote, Wrote & I Wrote...

My dearest Tummy Girl,

Hope you're doing better now. Its been 6 odd months since I've heard from you. Its only our photographs which gives me those lost smiles of mine. I've been trying to talk to you. I've been trying, trying, trying trying and trying to get in touch with u somehow.. But no one seems to be helping me out.. I know tat its my responsibility, I even wrote you a 50 post cards and none were responded.. I don't even know if they reached you..

I saw you couple of times with mom.. U still looked worried about something.. I'm not in your life anymore.. I'm just watching you live.. Baby girl we're meant to be together.. I'll let you go now.. But you'll have to come back to me.. I'll be waiting for the day baby and I'll smile at you with a lot of JOY...

Its not what they want, Its not what I want.. Its all about what you want baby...

I know what you want and only we can make things work!! For all the good times we had together!! I pray and wish to GOD that all the good things which were supposed to happen should happen anytime soon and I should hold my babie girl's hands no matter what happens!!

I'M waiting for the day!!

I LOVE YOU and I'll always will!! Thats the reality!!

Come back soon! I'm still waiting!!

Love, Aks!

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